The highly anticipated follow up to the popular Flying Pasties is here and is something our forefathers would be proud of.
"You've been Cock Blocked!!" proclaims inventor Tim Baurer of FPI while decked out in his Thomas Jefferson outfit at the Las Vegas sign on July 4th handing out his newest design creation the "Cock Block" (or C**k Block) can be found at (A promotional video can be found on the homepage)
Made for men and women, The C**k Block is a collapsible resistant cup for privacy. It can either sit inside your underwear against the skin or outside boxers or briefs. Women can wear this device by simply cutting along the provided female cut lines. Females can make the 'tongue' as long or as short as they desire. Instructions are provided.
Embellished with the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, the faces of the presidents on Mount Rushmore and a signing of the Declaration of Independence, this newest resistance piece can be easily tucked under your clothing. The C**k Block is meant to ward off any and all so-called "security" who wish to illegally touch your private parts whether you are at the airport, stadiums, going through highway checkpoints or walking down the streets of New York City.
"We as Americans have grown too accustomed to having strangers frisk us without warrant or cause," says Robert Curtis, advisor to the company. "Pretty soon we'll have a generation of citizens that will know of no other America…and maybe that's the [government's] idea."
The C**k Block also displays a very poignant quote uttered by Philadelphia statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin that reads: 'They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.' Baurer, who is originally from Philadelphia, could not agree more. Initial reactions to The C**k Block have been tremendous as displayed in the video found on the homepage.
FPI accurately acknowledges that a TSA agent or any other security person may ask to see your C**k Block during a pat down. However, that's "OK," according to the company. "If THIS is what they are after …gladly hand it over to them!!" says Mike Francis, the company's spokesman, with a laugh.
The C**k Block ships flat in the U.S. and according to the website, if you purchase '1' the price is $7.76. The price point being a clear reference to the year the United States declared its independence from Britain: 1776.
Wholesale orders are also available with customized designs manufactured by the company making great promotional devices. Inquires to wholesale orders can be made at the website or by emailing the company at info(at)flyingpasties(dot)com.
FPI (short f women's jackets or Flying Pasties International) was originally launched on July 4th 2010, with the enormously popular Flying Pasties. A product that single-handily created an industry of airport freedom products. "Now, with the ever-increasing desire of security personnel and their lust to touch our privates, The C**k Block is a product whose time has finally come." says Francis.
Flying Pasties has been featured on the NBC Today Show, CNN, Playboy Radio, TruTV, The Wendy Williams Show, MSNBC, Fox News, as well as on a variety of magazines and newspapers such as Playboy, Die Welt, Las Vegas Weekly and Sun-Sentinel, to name a few.
"For some reason, Flying Pasties was covered heavily in the German news media…. I guess I'm the David Hasselhoff of airport novelty products!?" say Baurer. In addition to Flying Pasties, Tim is also the owner of a highly successful swimwear and fitness company called Fiu Fiu! ( He designs many of the site's most popular clothing styles. An entrepreneur at heart, he is also a freelance art director working locally in Las Vegas.
What's 12-inches long and hangs folded inside the pants of knowledgeable fliers all over the world?
It's The C**k Block by Flying Pasties International. A solid solution to the gropings that everyday Americans receive on a daily basis at airports across the United States.
Gropers beware. No one touches my junk.
Visit or email for more information on ordering the product.